Friday, November 14, 2008

The Commonwealth of Independent States Convention

Today I was very busy at the Commonwealth of Independent States convention. I approved the economical development strategy for the period to 2020 in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. Also I had bilateral (tiresome) talk with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko.

It was quite hard to speak with Yulia as she pretended not to understand Russian language. I asked her to invite the president of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko next time. As I can easily speak English with him and he will translate from English to Ukrainian for Yulia. All time she mumbled a few words "Maidan" (probably she meant Iron Maiden), "Orange" during our conversation. Finally, thanks for my patience and my linguistic skills some important decision were accepted.


Luisa said...

I saw you very familiar with her in the official picture
Is there any liason ?

Jack Trocki said...

We have only business relations. But Yulia tries to use her woman charm during negotiations.

Admin said...

Yulia is very successful wit her charms, always gets what she wants, from me at least.