Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Great Russian athlete of the Day: November 12 2008

Today Great Russian athlete of the day is Svetlana Khorkina. She is seven-time Olympic medalist. Also she is a member of the Russian parliament.


Luisa said...

How comes you bring sports people in parliament or local governments ?

Jack Trocki said...

I did not bring people to the parliament (of course I wish). All deputies are elected by people according to democratic laws of our country. Therefore you can see a lot of famous representatives like actors, athletes, singers but not the smartest representatives. Because when there are two person in the voting bulletin: smart one and famous one then people definitely will vote for the famous one. That is a price of democracy.

Luisa said...

in fact your friend Silvio asked this soubrette to run last elections
but she refused cause she said she understands nothing about politics